• Star Wars Episode I Battle for Naboo 3-D Action Game

Star Wars Episode I Battle for Naboo 3-D Action Game

Hasbro:  Released in 1999.  Seen Star Wars: Episode I, The Phantom Menace 12 times? Know the biographies and histories of all the characters as well as the actors who played them? Can't wait for George Lucas to put together the next Star Wars movie? Well, have we got a game for you. The Battle for Naboo board game can help while away the hours between now and the next Star Wars extravaganza. Take the side of the Naboo, Gungans, and Jedi Knights, or do battle with the forces of the Trade Federation. Will Darth Maul defeat Obi-Wan in your game, or will the course of Star Wars history be changed? It's up to luck, and it's up to you, with this fun 3-D board game.

  • Using a catapult which launches energy spheres, players determine which of three actions can be taken in a turn.
  • Movement action allows the roll of a die, after which forces can be positioned to try and take over strategic locations.
  • Escape action allows captured figures to return to play.
  • Launch action lets the player once again fire the catapult, but this time to take out figures on the board.
  • Play progresses until one player occupies all three strategic hexes, or captures 10 opposing figures.

AGES:  5+

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Star Wars Episode I Battle for Naboo 3-D Action Game

  • $24.99
